雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.06.16    浏览次数:2127 次

2018年4月14日雅思大小写作考题回忆与范文 http://www.huamengedu.cn/artview-594.html
2018年4月21日雅思写作考题回忆与范文 http://www.huamengedu.cn/artview-597.html
2017年4月7日雅思写作考题回忆与范文 http://www.huamengedu.cn/artview-695.html
    首先,我们一起来看一下4月21号的考题。小作文这次考的是线图:从2010年至2020年,英国某个地方4种类型房子数量的变化。典型的动态图,从图表来看,按趋势变化可分为两类:总体上上升的房子类型是detached house 独栋洋房和flat公寓;而总体上下降的房子类型是terraced house联排别墅和 semi-detached house半独栋洋房。
    接下来,我们看一下大作文的考题 People today can shop, work and communicate with others via the Internet. They don’t need to do these face to face. Is it a positive or negative development? 题目意思是人们现在通过网络可以购物,工作以及交流,已经不再需要面对面交流了,请问这种发展是好的还是不好的?话题是社会类中的科技类,文章结构属于单边类。科技对生活影响类话题烤鸭们应该不陌生,往年考中的几率还是比较高的,难度也属中等。
好的,我们再来看一下4月14号的题。小作文这次考了表格,讨论的是The table gives information of 5 types of product exported from Hong Kong in 2009 and 2010. 09年到10年从香港出口的5种商品的比例变化。图中我们可以看到出口率以增长为主,增长最多的是metal金属,其中也有下降的商品,包括cloth和machinery。
然后,我们再来看一下大作文的考题 Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 探讨政府是否应当为保护当地环境买单,结构上来说很简单,属于单边类;话题来说,政府类话题考过很多次,这次探讨的是环境问题,也属政府职能类话题。
    接下来,我们看一下4月7号的题型。小作文考的是地图,题目要求描述博物馆08到12年的变化。好的,我们再看一下大作文的题目 Some people think the most important thing about being rich is to have an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?讨论成为富人最重要的事是否是帮助他人,简单来说就是先富带动后富,属于社会类话题,结构上单边类。
-introduction:引入话题+ 个人观点
The issue of whether... becomes greater interest/concern of the public. As far as I am concerned, / from my perspective...
Admittedly, it is the moral obligation for the rich groups to provide financial support to people who live in poor and disadvantageous situations.
Nevertheless, the most rooted reason is that the rich are entitled to allocate their wealth.
In addition, it is government that should place a high priority on fighting hunger and poverty.
In conclusion, although helping people is an indispensable duty for the wealthy, it is not the most important. Instead, the state should formulate policies and feasible strategies to build up a wealth and prosperous society.
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