托福写作    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.03.30    浏览次数:5341 次




bird feeder do harms to birds

bird feeder导致大量鸟聚在一起,加速疾病传播,例子是house finch的eye disease

natural factors更重要,而且对于house finch来说,他们大批量高频率迁徙,加速了疾病在个体与群体间的传播

会加剧由predator effect和逃脱predator的过程中撞到窗户导致的死亡

bird feeder可以提供更多nutrition,这些营养可以让鸟长得更健康更强壮,同时提高reproduction rate,因此幼鸟补充了大量成鸟死亡的空缺,鸟类的数量不减反增

会人为延迟migration time导致它们被杀或者熬不过harsh environment





People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.



Though there is a difference in degree, most people experience stress as a result of their work. Accordingly, they take some time off from work and relax with hobbies or physical activities. Some contend that people should enjoy hobbies or physical activities that are similar to what they do at work. However, I disagree with this idea because by trying new things, people get chances to meet others with different backgrounds. Moreover, they can experience diverse fields.

First off, when people do hobbies or physical activities that are related to their jobs, they tend to meet others with similar backgrounds. On the other hand, they can socialize with people who have different occupations. For example, my cousin, who is a scientist, takes part in rock climbing every weekend. He says that he can release stress not only by being away from his office and doing physical activity but also by meeting people with various jobs.

Secondly, by doing an activity that is dissimilar to one’s job, one can gain diverse experiences. To illustrate, my friend works as an archaeologist, and her workplace is mostly in suburban areas where she and her coworkers unearth artifacts or remains. However, she has started to learn flamenco dance; by learning it, my friend has both gained a new skill and had chances to experience Spanish culture, including the food. Had her hobbies been centered around her job, she would not have had such opportunities.

It is true that by doing a hobby that is similar to one’s work, one does not have to take the risk of trying a hobby which one later discovers to be not so fascinating, a situation which could cause stress and waste time and money. Conversely, challenges often open up a new world for people in which they find opportunities to meet people with different occupations. Furthermore, one can enjoy diverse experiences by choosing an activity that is unrelated to one’s job. For these two reasons, I firmly agree with the statement that people should take time off from work to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.


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