托福写作    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.11.29    浏览次数:2698 次

Ninth Legion 是个出色的军队,却忽然消失在Scotland
一些rebels发生叛乱然后ninth legion为了平息叛乱,基本都被wipe out了 叛乱不可能。因为没有证据能知道Scotland有打仗。5000人的战役规模大,一个大的战役,那么多人的军队就消失,况且有战争就会有武器碎片的痕迹,然而并没有

说有一些rebel破坏了roof tile,而roof上的symbol对于军队来说很重要,所以一些人去打rebel一些人留下来修复,最后有的死了,队伍也就disband了

roof tile是别人而非这个军团的士兵带来的,roof tile是由red clay 什么的做的,会留下痕迹,可是根本没找到,而那个symbol是从Britain 到 Netherland,不一定需要legion的人去修复,翻译什么的,谁都可以

一个地方出现叛乱,所以Ninth Legion就去爬山涉水去平反,一些人死了,一些人在旅途中因为太遥远的距离也死了。 政府什么的不可能会让西方的Ninth Legion去平反东方的叛乱,因为不值得,那么多的时间必要的supplies,况且政府应该会让eastern legion去才对。


The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment? 
1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy. 
2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there. 
3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies. 

Throughout the history, the human and wide range of animal has utilized various natural resources due to several purposes. Not surprisingly that these limited sources are running out in recent decades owing to overuse of them. Therefore, it is human’s turn that plays its role in order to protect the environment. There are varied approaches which can be applied, but I am of the opinion that, one of the most efficient solutions is regulating the rules that control people’s behaviors and lead to change their attitude toward this fundamental issue. So, the following explanation will further elaborate on this perspective.

First and foremost, protecting the environment is basic mindset that should be implemented in society. Undoubtedly, in some countries people are already familiar with this concept, although, they may not pay enough attention to it. But, public awareness is the top matter of concern for many governors, and that is why they have concluded having some regulations is a primary step to familiarize the citizens with the extent of importance of preserving the environment. Furthermore, when people do not commit specific action as the laws have banned them, it gradually becomes integral part of their behavior, and the next generation will learn that this is not appropriate treatment. As a result, the children will do correct manner spontaneously, and they will convey the massage of caring the environment to their child. Gradually, the wrong conduct will disappear.

Another crucial fact that should be taken into consideration is that people are always looking for the convenience and benefit. Admittedly, the human will not do the right deed in many cases unless something enforce him. The overwhelmed majority of people know that earth is deal with serious problem because of too much usage of fossil fuels, but why they overlook this truth? The answer has two responses. the first group are the one who does not want to abandon their old habit and have tendency to keep their wrong beliefs, and the second one are the beneficiary crowd who earn considerable amount of financial income. Both of these people should be reinforce to obey specific rule and stop their behavior.

On the basis of the point, mentioned above, I am convinced that setting some bills will have influential effects. Because the rules not only give necessary information to individuals but also make them to start new lifestyle with innovate mindset. 


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