2018年7月19日雅思听力考题回忆 ——华盟教育雅思部 | ||||||
总体评析: 本场考试24道填空,16道选择,填空题占多数。题目考试无论场景和题型都很常规,希望考生们扎实准备。
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Section 1 | 版本号 | 场景 | 题型 | |||
| 买房咨询 | 填空10 | ||||
内容回忆 | 露营购备物品 | |||||
详细回忆 | 1-10) Note Completion 1. Address: 59 Franklyn Avenue 2. Post code: TY12 6OS 3. Telephone number: 019488536 4. Preferred type of house: traditional 5. Facilities inside: central heating 6. Facilities outside: garage 7. Preferred location: village 8. Bank loan: $120,000 9. Branch bank: Park Square 10. To collect details in person 答案仅供参考 备考建议: 买房租房的常规场景,单词拼写无难度,问题都是在考点内。
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Section 2 | 版本号 | 场景 | 题型 | |||
| 骑马俱乐部 | 7单选+3匹配 | ||||
内容回忆 | 骑马俱乐部 | |||||
详细回忆 | 11-17) Multiple choice 11. The speaker said the club: A meets the demands of customers 12. The club does not provide: A individual classes 13. The speaker said the customers must: B deposit of equipment 14. When the customers do the registration, they: C can cancel two days in advance without charges 15. The nervous customers may: A watch a lesson 16. The shop in the horse riding club sells: B footwear 17. The Equs Club is for: B riders who are preparing competition 18-20) Matching 18. Cafe - D 19. Booking office - C 20. Waiting area - E 答案仅供参考 备考建议:第二部分仍然是以选择题为主,建议考生们平时训练以选择题为主的Section2。 | |||||
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Section 3 | 版本号 | 场景 | 题型 | |||
| 学术 | 1多选+3单选+4填空 | ||||
内容回忆 | 论文讨论 | |||||
详细回忆 | 21-23) Multiple Choice 21. What is causes for low score on the term paper? A. submit delay C. Poor planning E. lack of accurate information 24-26) Multiple choice 24. What further information should be covered? A. technical support 25. The salary has greatly increased by: A. 3 times as average 26. She needs to include more: A. farming method 27-30) Sentence completion 27. the students were asked to write for library the reference document for library 28. Eight products need to be mentioned 29. Coffee producer contributed to communities, donated part of the revenue on equipment such as computers 30. There is a so-called program: knowledge sharing 答案仅供参考 备考建议:Section3大量出现选择题,建议考生们训练自己阅读题干的速度,和抓取关键信息的能力,提高这部分的听力效率。
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Section 4 | 版本号 | 场景 | 题型 | |||
| 学术 | 填空10 | ||||
内容回忆 | 昆虫 | |||||
详细回忆 | 31-40) Sentence completion 31. insects are rich in protein and vitamin 32.the growing of insects not damage soil or rivers around the farmland 33. insects from the wild may bring bacteria 34. 暂无 35. demands in insects 36. make cleaning faster 37. marketing insects 38. antibiotic 39-40暂无
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发布日期 :2018.08.06 浏览次数:2735 次