托福口语    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.07.05    浏览次数:3426 次


Task 1
 If one of your friends is going to keep pets, what suggestions would you give him for preparation. Please include details in your response 

Sample answer:
T1 Well I would like to give two good suggestions for my friend if he plans to keep pets. Firstly, he should always learn some basic knowledge about pets, especially the facts about the kind of pet he’s going to have. By that, I mean if he knows nothing about the animal, he cannot take care of the animal. To be honest, I’m a cat lover and have a female cat at home. Before I adopted her, I even bought a pet book and tried to find out the DOs and DON’Ts of keeping a cat. Secondly, he’s supposed to give notice to his family members or roommates in advance before the pet comes to house. The fact is that not everyone is into pets, and some individuals are even allergic to some pets. Therefore I give these two suggestions. 

Task 2
Your university plans to reduce expenditure recently, which clubs do you think the university should stop funding? Sports clubs like skiing club, or academic clubs like math club. Please give reasons and details in your answer.

Sample answer:

From my perspective, the university should stop funding sports clubs for the following reasons. First of all, it may not be necessary for university to always support sports clubs. Since most of sports activities can be done outdoors, which means the university doesn’t have to spend money in these sports. So I guess most sports clubs, like skiing club, can still survive without the funding from the university. Second thing is that academic standard is the key area the university should focus on, that means some academic clubs cannot be ignored since they often play a big role in a school’s academic endeavor. Clubs like science club or math club, they need good labs or good computers to make sure their activities can be carried out effectively.


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