常见问题    Questions
发布日期 :2018.10.16    浏览次数:2110 次


1.美国政治学(U.S. Politics and Policy Processes)
方向:政治交流与群众行为(Political communication and mass behavior),政治机构与组织(political institutions and organizations),政治经济学与公共政策(political economy and public policy),政法学(law and politics)

2.比较政治学(Comparative Politics and Comparative Political Economy)
方向:资本主义民主政治(Advanced capitalist democracies),政治发展学(Political development), 民主发展(democratization), 政治机构(political institutions), 人种与民族(race and ethnicity),区域与跨区域研究与政策 (regional and cross-regional studies and politics)

3.国际政治学(International Relations)
方向:国际政策(Foreign policy),国际政治组织(International organization),国际政治经济学(International political Economy), 国际关系理论(International relations theory),世界政治体系(world systems)

方向:概率与统计(Probability and statistics), 线性模型(linear models) , 计量经济学(advanced econometric), 博弈论(game theory), 社会选择(social choice)

5.政治学理论(Political Theory)
方向:政治思想史(History of political thought),现代政治思想(Contemporary political thought), 规范理论(normative theory), 新民主理论 (New democratic theory), 女性主义理论(feminist theory), 欧洲政治思想(Continental thought),古代政治思想(Ancient political thought), 文化与政治学(Culture and politics), 政治哲学(Political philosophy)

1  哈佛大学(美国2)Harvard University - Department of Government
2  普林斯顿大学(美国1)Princeton University - Department of Politics
2  斯坦福大学(美国5)Stanford University - Department of Political Science
4  密歇根大学安娜堡(美国27)University of Michigan--Ann Arbor - Department of Political Science
4  耶鲁大学(美国3)Yale University - Department of Political Science
6  加州大学伯克利(美国20)University of California--Berkeley - Department of Political Science
7  哥伦比亚大学(美国5)Columbia University - Department of Political Science
8  麻省理工大学(美国7)Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Political Science
8  加州大学圣地亚哥(美国44)University of California--San Diego - Department of Political Science
10 加州大学洛杉矶(美国24)University of California--Los Angeles - Department of Political Science
10 杜克大学(美国8)Duke University - Department of Political Science
12 芝加哥大学University of Chicago - Department of Political Science
13 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山(美国30)University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill - Department of Political Science
13 华盛顿大学圣路易斯(美国54)Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
15 纽约大学(美国36)New York University - Department of Politics
15 罗切斯特大学(美国32)University of Rochester - Department of Political Science
15 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊(美国44)University of Wisconsin--Madison - Department of Political Science
15 俄亥俄州立大学(美国54)Ohio State University - Department of Political Science
19 康奈尔大学(美国15)Cornell University - Department of Government
20 明尼苏达大学双城学院(美国71)University of Minnesota--Twin Cities - Department of Political Science


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