雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.05.30    浏览次数:2372 次

    首先,我们一起来看一下3月24号的考题。小作文这次考的是线图,题目是:The charts illustrate service of a train company in October and November in 2008. 题目显示出2008年10月到12月某铁路公司晚点以及取消率的变化。典型的动态图,晚点率和取消率变化的差别很大:晚点率第一周上升之后开始急速下降plunge到10月底到了最低值hit the bottom,后又开始猛增11月第二周到最高值peak at around 55%. 而取消率第一周先猛增到最高点reach the highest point at 70%,之后出现过两次最低点10%
    接下来,我们看一下大作文的考题 Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn about news. While others believe that more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 题目意思是一些人认为报纸是获取新闻最好的方式,另一些人认为其他方式更好。话题属于社会类,文章结构属于双边类,在12. 6. 9出现过类似的题,难度中等,论证的时候切记具体对比报纸和其他媒体的利弊
    好的,我们再来看一下3月10号的题。小作文这次考了柱图,讨论的是The chart below shows the depth of snow(cm) in a particular ski resort in Canada in three individual years. 图表显示的是加拿大某滑雪胜地三个不同年份积雪深度的变化。图中我们可以看到总体上每年积雪深度11月-1月较低,2月-4月较高,几乎是前三个月的两倍double the depth of snow in previous 3 months,

    然后,我们再来看一下大作文的考题 Some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 探讨是否提高燃料价格是解决环境最好的方法,结构上来说很简单,属于单边类;话题属于环境类话题,难度也属中等。
    接下来,我们看一下3月3号的题型。小作文考的是饼图,题目是The pie charts show the players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003饼图显示了03年韩国电竞选手年龄和性别比例,整体上男性占大多数,年龄层也主要在18岁以下。
好的,我们再看一下大作文的题目 In most countries, prison is the common solution for crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that people will not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 讨论解决犯罪问题最有效的方法是把罪犯关押起来还是对他们进行教育,同样结构上是单边类,题目在往年也考过,犯罪类话题中属于常考话题。
    首段,改写题目,概括文章主要内容,并给出个人观点:There is no doubt that traffic and pollution from vehicles have become one of the major causes of world’s environmental problems. I think that solving these problems is likely to need more than a simple rise in the price of petrol and all vehicles.
第二段,让步段 While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs and prices of cars are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long. . .
cleaner fuels--available to produce electric cars
public transport--plentiful, convenient and reliable
network of cycle lanes and other facilities for cyclists

    第五段:总结段 In conclusion, I think that long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on the use of other means of transport, and on governments using public money to construct and/run efficient systems.


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