发布日期 :2018.05.18 浏览次数:2762 次
这次选择的是剑12的一篇农业类文章——The Risks Agriculture Faces in Developing Countries,大家可以通过英文和中文的对应,来记忆雅思农业类文章中的一些常用词汇。
B Farmers everywhere face major risks, including extreme weather, long-term climate change, and price volatility in input and product markets. However, smallholder farmers in developing countries must in addition deal with adverse environments, both natural, in terms of soil quality, rainfall, etc., and human, in terms of infrastructure, financial systems, markets, knowledge and technology. Counter-intuitively, hunger is prevalent among many smallholder farmers in the developing world.
D On the question of mitigating the risks farmers face, most essayists called for greater state intervention. In his essay, Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, argued that governments can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing basic services like roads to get produce more efficiently to markets, or water and food storage facilities to reduce losses. Sophia Murphy, senior advisor to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, suggested that the procurement and holding of stocks by governments can also help mitigate wild swings in food prices by alleviating uncertainties about market supply.
在减轻农民面临的风险这个问题上,大多教的分析者号召政府更多的干预。农业发展国际基金会主席 Kanayo F. Nwanze在他的文章中提到:政府可以通过提供基础服务来极大地减少农民的风险,如建设道路使农产品更有效地运到市场,或者提供储水和粮食存储设施来减少损耗。农业与贸易研究所高级顾问Sophia Murphy认为,政府获取(购买)和持有债券也可以减轻市场供给的不确定性所造成的食品价格大幅波动。