托福口语    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.05.08    浏览次数:3646 次

Task 1
One of your friends has been working for ten years after graduation. Now he is planning to return back to the university to further study, from your perspective, what kind of challenge or difficulty does he may confront?

Sample answer:
In my view, the most remarkable challenge for my friend might be that he may not well concentrate on his study.
Ten years later, returning back to university, my friend’s age might be around 30, at the age of 30, a man may have been married and even has a child. Apart from study, he may have to care about whether his wife is in good condition or whether his child is ill or uncomfortable and so on. All these things may distract his attention. However, compared with those young people, they are at the age around 20, they have nothing to care about but their own study.

Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that interrupting others while others are talking about something is impolite?

Sample answer:
In my view, it’s impolite to interrupt others suddenly.
For one thing, each one has the right to express his own ideas. Whether right or wrong,whether reasonable or not, people have the right to express their own or listen to others’ opinions. Also who can be always absolutely right?
For another thing, interrupting others isn’t beneficial for a discussion. For a discussion,usually the first step is to have the brainstorm and then come to an agreement or conclusion.
If always listening to one person’s idea, without exchanging ideas, what is the meaning for a discussion?
Thus, I think people should have the good manner of listening to others

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