托福口语    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.04.28    浏览次数:2912 次

Task 1
Some professors allow students to have exams at home, then bringing their test papers back to school to submit. From your perspective, can you talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this kind of examination?

Sample answer:
Talking about having exams at home, the advantage is apparent; this way may relieve students’ pressure. Doing at home, they may refer to reference books, search on the Internet or communicate with others to complete their test papers. They won’t have to recite a lot of things before exams.
While the disadvantage is obvious too, which is if doing at home, they don’t have to recite and remember many things, such as new words, some equations or experiments in their mind. Then in the future, when they have to use such knowledge in their work, they can’t extract them instantaneously, which may pose inconvenience and even influence on their promotion.
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Task 2
When having class discussion, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?

Sample answer:
In terms of these two choices, when having discussion, I prefer to give my opinions immediately.
For one thing, my opinions shouldn’t be influenced by others. Towards one event, whether right or not, whether reasonable or not, whether acceptable or not, I have my own opinions. I don’t need to follow others’ ideas.
For another thing, first expressing may give me the advantage. When having class discussion, if always listening to others first, other people may be likely to say what I would like to say next. When it comes to me, I may have nothing to say or have to repeat others. Sometimes I may feel uncomfortable.

  (111 words)


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