发布日期 :2018.04.08 浏览次数:2162 次
首先,我们一起来看一下1月20号的考题。小作文这次考的是线图,题目是:The graph gives information about the visits from France and North America for holiday and business. 题目显示出法国和北美1月到12月去英国度假及办公的人数的变化。典型的动态图,从图表来看,度假和办公去英国的人数的变化,法国和北美基本一致:度假人数都是先上升再下降,办公人数有两个高峰分别在5月左右和11月左右。注意如果主体部分分别描述,结论的时候一定得把两个数据做整体比较:Overall, the number of visitors from North America is higher than that of France for business and holiday, although both share a similar trend during the one-year period.
接下来,我们看一下大作文的考题 People nowadays are surrounded by all kinds of advertising. Advertising affects what people think is important and sometimes has a negative influence on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 题目意思是现在各种广告围绕着人们,所以广告作用很大并且有时对人们生活有负面影响,你是否同意?话题是社会类中的广告类,文章结构属于单边类。
广告类话题烤鸭们应该不陌生,往年考中的几率还是比较高的,对广告的影响的讨论在 06.09.02, 07.04.21, 11.06.25, 15.12.05 都出现过,特别是15年的考题 people are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh negative effect? 基本跟该题一致。
好的,我们再来看一下1月13号的题。小作文这次考了柱图,讨论的是age structure of population of a European country between 1901 and 1981 and a prediction in 2021. 某个欧洲国家1901到2021年各个年龄组人数比例的变化及预测。图中我们可以看到有总数,所以在开头得先概括人口总数的变化,然后主体部分再来分析各年龄组比例的分布及变化,注意描述的顺序按比例由多到少的次序来。以1901年的数据为例,我们先描述占比最多的0-64岁的。In 1901, the people aged 0-64 years old accounted for the vast majority(占据了绝大部分) in the total population composition(人口构成),with 95%。然后再描述剩下占比很少的两个年龄段 and the remaining shares(剩余的份额) were occupied by those aged 65-84 and 85 over, with the former being slightly higher than the latter ( 4% and 1%).
然后,我们再来看一下大作文的考题 Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 探讨老板应当关注员工的穿着还是更应当注重员工的工作能力,结构上来说很简单,属于单边类;话题来说,工作类话题考过很多次,但是从员工穿着这个角度的题目目前还没有出现过,值得注意。
接下来,我们看一下1月6号的题型。小作文考的是地图,题目是The maps show the change of a school in 1985 and now. 要求描述一个学校1985年的状态和现在的变化,具体的写法我们稍后来详细说明。
好的,我们再看一下大作文的题目 In many countries, more and more people buy a wider range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 讨论越来越丰富的家用产品对我们的影响,同样结构上是单边类,题目在13年12月12日考过原题,属于社会类话题。
The map illustrates the different layouts of a school in 1985 and now.