托福写作    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.12.29    浏览次数:2376 次

The charts below show the average age men and women retired in seven countries in 2004 and 2008.


  1. 注意时态,要用过去时。

  2.Body 1:男性平均退休年龄;Body 2:女性平均退休年龄;In comparison,男性和女性退休年龄对比

  There was a relatively significant rise of … from … to ….
  … indicates a gradual decline from … to …, arriving at the bottom.

  The period from 2004 to 2008 underwent a surge of … from … to ….


A rise in the standard of living in a country seems to only benefit cities rather than rural areas.

What problems might this difference cause? How might the problems be reduced?

参考范文 (Word Count: 319)
  In the course of national economic progress, the imbalanced development between urban and rural areas has become a big concern for the authority, as it may give rise to a series of more pressing issues, which I would illustrate as follows.
    Among those problems, the explosion of population in megacities is an inevitable one. Apparently, the sound public facilities and adequate educational resources attract a large quantity of people to flood into cities. Statistics show that in 2006, the total of residents in Shanghai ( a metropolis in China) was about 24. 20 million, of which approximately 40% of them were non-natives. Obviously, under such circumstance soaring house price and the heavy burden on traffic system are deemed as the consequent troubles. Most working class can hardly afford a private home or an apartment and traffic congestion is so common in every rush hour, demonstrating the urban infrastructure virtually cannot satisfy the demands of growing population.
    What’s worse, this urban-rural gap may contribute to a vicious circle. As more locals swarm into large cities, the shrinkage of labour force in the countryside is worse, being an obstacle on the way to economic success. In consequence, the slow-paced rural economy renders the gap widens further.
    In an attempt to diminish the gap, effective measures are supposed to be adopted and the first step is that the state should allocate more budget for the public service such as medical insurance, education as well as public transport in rural areas. Furthermore, the leading industries in countryside should be supported by government. For example, specific talents and high technology can be introduced to stimulate the agricultural development; historical experts can be hired to restore local cultural heritage so as to boost tourism industry. Only when public facilities were upgraded and local economy thrives, can people work and live in their hometown and the disparity between the city and countryside can be narrowed.

类似旧题 2013.10.26  
Some people think the standard of living only benefit cities more than rural areas, what will it cause and how to reduce the situation. 


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