托福写作    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.12.28    浏览次数:2392 次

Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher (age from 15 to 18)
1. The ability to give students advice to plan for their future;
2. The ability to find which students need help and provide them with help;
3. The ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom;

Recently, what is the most important quality of high school teachers has been a hotly-debated question for a long time. Some people suppose that high school teachers should have the capacity to teach student learn by themselves while others regard assistance from teachers as most valuable. However, from my own perspective, I assume that it is most important for teachers to give useful advice on students’ future planning. My view points are based on the following reasons and examples.

To begin with, for senior students, how to choose a suitable future college major is essential to them. The reason is that this kind of decisions will definitely cast a significant impact on these kids who are just standing on the crossroad of their life. So if teachers are able to offer some practical opinion to their students, they may probably own a better college life as well as a brighter future. For example, five years ago when my sister Jane was prepare for her college entrance exam, her parents tried a lot to make her to choose a famous normal university, because they thought being an English teacher would have a lot of free time and could take care of her future family. Nevertheless, Jane had no interest in teaching. All she liked was programming. Fortunately, her computer science teacher kept encouraging her to pick up a major related to programming and tried a lot to persuade her parents to follow their daughter’s heart. This June Jane graduated from computer engineering major and found a well-paid job in Shanghai. The most important thing is she never regrets her decision in college major selection and always tells us that she is happy with her career. Obviously, her computer science teacher played an essential role in her major-choosing determination.

Moreover, due to the limitation of knowledge and experience, students may find it quite tough to pick up their future major. Nevertheless, teachers who know the outside world better can provide good advice to their students and thus will make their determination much easier. For instance, when I was in senior high school, there were two majors I would like to choose: one was translation and the other one was English teaching. I was too young to distinguish them clearly and just roughly knew that these two were both related to English, which was my favorite subject. One day I discussed this problem with my English teacher who owned a two-tear translation experience before she came to our school. Translation, she said, was a little bit boring because a translator should sit in front of a desk and type all the time, merely having any connection with other people. In contrast, being a teacher could involve with lot interactions with little kids and would be much more interesting. Due to my outgoing personality, she recommended me to choose the latter. She was right. Several years passed by, I have become a TOEFL teacher and I am deeply into my career. If I did that decision myself, I might choose translation and finally find it not suitable for me. So my English teacher helped me a lot when I was a senior high school student.

Last but not least, obviously, it is possible that teachers may give some wrong advice because of their own drawbacks or an inadequate understanding of their students. However, this disadvantage can be simply fixed if we tell our students to consider other people’s opinion. As long as our kids collect various kinds of information from different groups, he or she can eventually select the most suitable one. One of my neighbor called Jack, an energetic boy, also was confused about major selecting. Actually, he had wide-ranged interests, from finance to human resources. When he asked his teacher for advice, his teachers can only give some unspecific information to him because none of them had a finance or HR background. Fortunately, Jack had an uncle who worked in financial field. He provided additional information to his nephew and thus finally led to Jack’s determination to study accounting in his future college life. Therefore, even in some case, it is indeed a bit difficult for teachers to give a profound advice; students can easily get some supplement from other individuals and finally make the best decision.

To sum up, helping students to choose an ideal future direction is the most significant quality which high school teachers should have. On the one hand, major selecting of teenagers can greatly influence their future life; on the other hand, senior high school kids lack the capacity to decide their college major on their own. Even if sometimes advice from teachers can also have its own deficiency, this disadvantage can be solved effectively by accepting various kinds of advice from different groups of people.


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