雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.11.06    浏览次数:2089 次


1) 正确"be + achievement". 错误 "win + achievement"
Example: It was a great achievement. Don’t say: I won a great achievement.

2) "my hard work (had) paid off"
Example: I was proud that all of my hard work had paid off.
The mistake in yesterday’s lesson was to make this passive (had been paid off).

3) "I’ll never forget" and "I never forget" 意思不同
- I’ll never forget the day when I passed the exam. (a memorable event)
- I never forget my mother’s birthday. (you remember every year)

4) "lose interest in something". 不要写 "interests"
Example: I lost interest in the course.

5) With the word "difficulty / difficulties" you can use these verbs:
have, face, experience, encounter, run into, get into
错误"difficulties concurred".

6) "due to" 是一个名词,不是一个主语+动词
Example: due to the fact that I had never...
Don’t say: due to I had never...

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