雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
2017年9月16日雅思写作考题回忆 (观看视频讲解微信扫一扫)
发布日期 :2017.09.27    浏览次数:2929 次

2017年9月16日雅思写作考题回忆 (观看视频讲解微信扫一扫)








The bar chart below shows the production of energy produced by wind in four different countries from 1985 to 2000.

The bar chart illustrates the energy production stemming from wind in four different countries in every four years from 1985 to 2000.
  India and Demark produced increasing amount of energy within the 20 years. For the former, less than 100 units of energy were generated from wind before rising dramatically to 1100 units in the later period. In terms of Demark, the wind-producing energy was also not much compared with other developed countries, albeit the fact that the production soared to 1400 units in 1995 and in 2000, Demark boasted the largest quantity of energy production from wind, at 1700 units.
  The 20 years witnessed the same pattern for the change of energy in the USA and Germany, both experiencing a rise and then a fall. The USA was the country where a largest quantity of wind energy was produced except the last year, with 1200 units generated in 1985 and 1500 units deriving from wind. Germany showed the similar situation, and it was noticeable that there was a notable drop over the last five years.
  In general, wind power gained growing popularity with years going by.











An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. It is positive or negative development?

参考范文 (Word Count: 307)
   Gone are the days when people were supposed to stay in the same place and hold the same post for a lifetime, though some still do so. Actually, sticking to the same job or otherwise are two lifestyles contingent upon one’s fortune and personality.
  The merits of remaining in the same post are the following two aspects. Firstly, it promotes the competence of those who are long engaged in the profession. It is understandable that repetition leads to professionalism, and professionalism, not surprisingly, enhances efficiency and quality. Secondly, you can lead a stable life without worrying where the next meal comes from, this sense of security can facilitate your career development. Such a practice is preferable for those who expect security and stability in life, but it does not work for those who take a delight in a diverse life, for the same work would crush their enthusiasm and imagination.
  The value of accommodation and job change falls into two categories as well. It is void of the choking tedium of routine work, presenting to employees constant challenges and thus a more exciting life. Meanwhile, it is by changing jobs that opportunities are unfolded to many of us. It is always the luckiest ones whose first jobs are just the ones they want, while most of the time, the majority of us have to try many ways before finally finding out where our potentials lie. Elvis Presley was a truck driver before he became a singing superstar. Harrison Ford worked as a carpenter before he was devoted to movies. They would not have succeeded if they had held onto the original posts.
  As William Shakespeare put it, “There is nothing good or bad; but thinking makes it so.” The same holds true for job change. If you prefer stability, you try to secure a stable job. If you enjoy diversity, why not try the other way?



 10.06.19 / 2014.04.05
An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their life time. Is this a positive or negative development?

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