雅思口语    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.08.18    浏览次数:2705 次

各位雅思考生们对于part3 非常恐惧,因为相比前两个部分,第三部分的话题往往更为抽象,与我们的生活相对更远一些,所有有些同学根本不知道该如何作答,那么我们分享一些关于如何应对part3的答题思路。

Part 3问题分类
•1. Why questions 因果
•2. advantages and disadvantages利弊
•3. problems and solutions 问题解决
•4. comparison 对比
•5. predicting  预测

1.Why questions 因果
•1. Why do people want to be famous?
•2. Why is it important to protect the environment?
•3. Why is it important to do sports?

•earn decent pay and get big fame 赚钱出名
•special treatment 特殊待遇
•get sense of achievement be admired by fans获得成就感

•In my opinion/ from my perspective/ as far as I’m concerned我认为, there are a variety of factors
•The most important reason is that….引出第一个原因
•As well as this/ in addition to what I’ve mention另外, another explanation would be that…加上另外一个原因

2.Advantages and disadvantages好处和坏处 
Samples questions
•1. What are advantages and disadvantages/ pros and cons of shopping online?
•2. What are advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?
•3. What are advantages and disadvantages of living in the downtown?

•Well, I suppose it’s double- edged sword双刃剑/ it really depends.
•But I guess the most evident benefits would be that…This is obviously favorable/ positive because…  in addition to it…
•However, we have to admit there are some negative impact/ drawbacks/ adverse feature, I mean…
3. Problems& solution 
•What are common environmental problem in China?
•What can we do to tackle the environment problems?

It’s universally accepted that there are some hazard 坏处involved with….
Our fundamental concern 担忧is that…提出第一个问题
Another problem worth mentioning is that …再提出下一个问题

4. Comparison 
•Time comparison
•Are TV programs the same as the TV programs  in the past?
•Social group comparison
•Do men and women like the same type of books?
•Geographic comparison
•How has Chinese movies different from foreign movies? 

•There are a variety of possible differences here/ a range of potential distinction. 提出很多不同之处
•But I would say the most fundamental/ obvious difference would be that ... used to be…, whereas/on the other hand/in contrast…引出第一个区别
•In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that…展开另一个区别

5. Predicting预测
•1. What will cars be like in the future? 
•2. What will TV programs be like in the future?
•3. Would libraries disappear in the future?
•4. How do you think the school curriculum in China might change in the next 20 or 30 years?

•Size or appearance

•I’m sure that most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related to this.
•To begin with, I’d predict that we are going to have…
•On top of this, I imagine it’s quite likely that we will soon have…

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