托福口语    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.07.13    浏览次数:2874 次

 Task 1备注[口语整理前两个task就OK]

 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in?:
A.Pottery making   B. writing  C. art creation

Choose one and explain why

Sample answer:备注[需要带sample answer]

Personally, I would like to get involved in writing. First of all, I like to read novels and watch TV, so I have a lot of ideas for my stories. And I think writing is the best way to share these stories. Although I’m not confident about my writing skills and have doubts over whether my readers will appreciate my writing style, it will be a great opportunity to practice them and push myself to realize my ideas. Besides, nearly all people can read and comprehend a passage yet much fewer people can truly understand and appreciate a pottery or an art piece. So, creating a relation between a writer and his readers is easier than between a painter and his audience. 
(122 words)

Task 2
Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree? Why?
Sample answer:
I do agree that it’s not appropriate to discuss about personal life of celebrities. Obviously, they’re not different from common people who deserve privacy and personal space. It’s OK for us to talk about their artworks, like their albums and movies, but it may cause much harm to them if audience only pay attention to their love relationship or families. Secondly, although to some extent talking about the privacy of celebrities satisfy out curiosity, it does nothing good to ourselves since we are not gaining any useful information or improving anything. And we may even be considered as nosy people who do not have sense and manners.

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