雅思口语5-8月新题已经出来有一个月的时间了,不知道大家的备考进度如何呢?在5月的各场考试中,新题都占据了相当大的比例,而在接下来6月份的考试中,除开新题依旧是热门考点之外,一批旧题也将陆续成为新的高频考点。接下来,就让我们一起来看看哪些旧题将会成为接下来备考的重点,以及将为大家讲解新题中考生普遍反映比较困难的Part 2题目:Describe an important plant in your country。
- Part 1
分类 | Topics |
必考 | your studies/work, your home, your hometown |
新题 | birthday, daily routine, history, jewelry, letters or emails, politeness, school, sunshine, time management, vegetables and fruit |
高频 | transportation, robot, shoes, music, mirror, television, dream, indoor games, watch |
其中新题共有10个,旧题中的高频题有9个,再加上我们的必考题3个,这22个题将是我们6月Part 1考查的重点。
- Part 2 & 3
People | Topics |
新题 | Describe a helpful person at work/school. |
高频 | Describe an interesting neighbour. |
Places | Topics |
新题 | Describe a big company or organization that you know. |
高频 | Describe a cafe which you have been to. |
Items | Topics |
新题 | Describe your favorite item of clothing. |
高频 | Describe a book you want to read again. |
Events | Topics |
新题 | Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger. |
高频 | Describe an event in history. |
Other topics | Topics |
新题 | Describe something you want to do for a long time but you haven’t done yet. |
高频 | Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with. |
You should say:
What the plant is
What it looks like
Where you’ve seen this plant
And explain how you like the plant.
这道题的难点在于植物本身不是很好描述,也比较难编故事,所以会让大家觉得很难有话说。其实,我们还是可以按照物品类的常规描述顺序,也就是:外观;功能;价值;意义;这四个方面来进行构思。因为植物的外观能描述的东西比较少,所以第一个,我们可以选取功能多的植物来描述,比如:荷花(lotus),既可以观赏也可以食用,不管是它的叶子(荷叶),它的根(藕),还是它的芯(莲蓬)都有各自不同的用途,我们就有非常多的东西可以展开。第二,我们可以考虑在我们国家中有特殊意义的植物,比如梅、兰、竹、菊,还有我们之前提到的荷花,都在中华文化中有其象征的精神,考生可以就这一点进行着重描述。甚至杂交水稻,作为我们国家重要的农作物,不仅符合这道题的要求,还可以跟an invention that has changed our life进行串题。这样讲的话大家是否觉得这道题其实也不是很难了呢?