Most young people leave school with a negative attitude toward learning. Why do you think this is happening? What can be done to encourage them to have a positive Attitude?
introduction:给背景(youth & learning之间的关系)+ 引出下文对原因的探讨
结构确定之后,接下来就应该思考如何论证及润色文章。首先来看背景句,通过读题我们可以得出文章就是在探讨youth对待learning的态度消极的原因,题目中是一句简单句Most young people leave school with a negative attitude toward learning. 我们可以尝试着把它扩展一下,比如运用让步转折句Despite the fact that the degree level is much higher than before, an increasing number of the youth start to lose interest and even hold a negative attitude towards learning. 然后,跟上启下句In this essay, I intend to identify the causes of this phenomenon as well as the feasible solutions to it.
开头段完成之后,主体部分第一段的核心词汇如“自控力” self-control,“心智不成熟” immature mentally and intellectually, “沉迷网络” indulge in the Internet/ virtual world,于是我们可以造句Since young people sometimes fail to make accurate judgments due to their mental and intellectual immaturity, it is easier for them to indulge in the virtual world, which may lead to bad habits such as absenteeism and consequently be less and less interested in academic knowledge. 主体部分第二段的关键词是“应试教育” exam-oriented education, 那么由应试教育我们还可以继续推出其他相关词汇,比如“一类大学” first-tier university, “体面的工作” a decent job, “死记硬背” rote learning,于是我们又可以得到 This situation also contributes to the deep-rooted exam-oriented education system in most countries in the world, and the most effective way to obtain higher grades is rote learning, the most boring and repetitive “work” in one’s life, destroying the last interest in study. 最后一点关于“就业市场” job market,当今世界“经济萧条” economic depression,就业市场“供大于求” excessive supply,即便是“一类大学毕业生” the graduators from fist-tier universities 也面临巨大“竞争” competition。
综上三点原因,我们可以得出问题的核心在于“人力资源分配” human resource allocation,社会应当给年轻人“提供” offer/ provide…with更多“实践学习机会”practical learning而不仅仅只是书本知识,“增长年轻人的见识” enlarge one’s view,“培养” cultivate社会责任感,而非盲目激励年轻人追求“体面的工作” a decent job。