发布日期 :2017.05.26 浏览次数:3539 次
换题季又华丽丽的来到了,一大波新题已经像我们袭来,众多烤鸭表示很方,今天wendy 老师会在本文中跟大家分析一下在part 1中出现的一些新题,希望对大家屠鸭成功有一些帮助。
Sample questions
How often do you wear jewelry?
What’s your attitude toward Jewelry?
What kinds of Jewelry do you like to buy?
necklaces项链, pendants 吊坠, brooches胸针 bracelets 手镯
white gold白金 platinum铂金 diamond 钻石
首先我们可以说珠宝是accessory that can go well with many different outfits and styles 是一个口语搭配各种衣服和风格的配饰, 同时它也可能是reflection of your savvy for fashion反映时尚品味。 有些同学佩戴珠宝是因为它可能是 family heirloom传家宝,但是还有一些人可能就是为了shows wealth and status财富和地位
另外还有一个口语新题是关于fruits and vegetables
Sample questions
What kinds of fruits and vegetables do you like?
Did you like to eat fruit when you were child?
Is it important to eat fruit?
首先我们除了一些常见的apple, orange 要补充一些不同种类水果蔬菜的词汇比如
fruits: pomelo 柚子 kiwi fruit 猕猴桃 durian 榴莲 pitaya火龙果
vegetables: cauliflower 花菜 lettuce 莴苣 Spinach菠菜radish 萝卜
be loaded with充满a variety of nutrients营养物, like vitamin
strengthen our immunity towards diseases增强免疫力
contain low calories含有很低的卡路里,因此能够 keep our weight in check 控制体重,是减肥的朋友的利器
最近还有一个新题关于letters and emails
•那么他们的区别在于letter是manual手写的 而email 则是 electrical 电子的
•相比来说Email的特点是 convenient and efficient有效率的 option be delivered extremely fast 可以很快被发送 won’t be restricted by location and time而且不会受到地域和时间的限制
•而相比起来传统的letters, 涉及到more complicated process复杂的过程 takes a longer for recipient to get it 要花更久能收到
•compared with oversimplified communication, powerful message you convey your thoughts 表达思想 emotional connection情绪连接it show how much you value this person这也同时表达你有多么重视这个人。
•那么什么时候我们会去写邮件呢,比如在hand in assignment 交作业 be supposed to write essay with computer 我们会用电脑去写论文
•或者在我们提交application for university 大学申请的时候。