雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.05.24    浏览次数:2439 次

increase to VS increase by VS increase in VS an increase of
increase to:增加到
increase by:增加了
increase in:在...增加
an increase of:增加了(增幅)
以上是从翻译的角度上来说的,简而言之,to表示增加到了某一个值,by表示增加的量,in表示某方面的增加,of也表示增加的幅度,并且常用于an increase of句式中。
E.g. Between January and March, there was a slight increase ______ student numbers.
Between January and March, student numbers increased slightly from 90 ______ 100.
Between January and March, there was a slight increase _____ ten students.
Animal numbers increased ______ 20% during this period.
在上面的例子中,填入的介词依次是in; to; of; by。不知道你有没有区分开来呢?如果大家对于increase to 和increase by 仍然有疑虑,我们不妨采用increase from A to B的句型来辅助记忆。同理,对于其它类上升减少的词的介词搭配也是一样。

at + 数值
首先要介绍的是和at搭配的两个短语stand at和peak at,stand at+数值表示达到某个值,peak at+数值表示达到最高值多少多少,如
In 1940, the proportion of people over 65 stood at only 5% in Japan.
Particularly in 1998, it peaked at approximately 5.3%.
The cheapest form of transport is the bus, at ₤0.40 per kilometer.
表时间范围的介词 between...and...; from...to...;in + 年/月;during this period; over the next ...years

a slightly decrease
increased steady
a steady grow
在第一个例子中正确的形式应该是a slight decrease,因为形容词修饰名词;在第二个例子中正确形式应该是increased steadily,因为动词用副词修饰;第三个例子中,grow应该改为growth,因为前面出现了a,表明这里应使用名词形式。

对于可数和不可数名词的修饰词也需要引起考生的注意,考生经常在amount; number; few; less; much; many几个修饰词上出错,如:
The chart shows the amount of people visiting wildlife reserves.
The five charts illustrate the number of water consumed per person in different countries.
From the chart, we could say that women generally work less hours than men.
There are twice as much polar bears as 30 years ago.
在上面的例子中,amount,number, less; much应该依次改为number; amount;fewer;many。最后,总结起来,修饰可数名词的有:the number of; fewer; many;修饰不可数的为:the amount of; less; much.

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