雅思口语    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.05.17    浏览次数:2883 次


1. Put the clock back
[实际意思] 指行为或观念跟不上时代;按陈旧的规矩办事;老脑筋。
E.g.: You must give university students more freedom. Don’t try to prevent them from falling in love before graduation. You can’t put the clock back!

2. Work against the clock
[实际意思] 指的是抓紧时间工作,强调不停顿哦~
E.g.: I have to work against the clock to pass the IELTS exam. 

3. Go like clockwork
[实际意思] 指计划、安排、工程或项目等进展顺利,强调有条不紊,没有麻烦。它还有另一种说法:Run like clockwork.
E.g.: The president is very happy that all our arrangements for the project are going like clockwork. And I am sure we can finish the project in time.

4. After hours
[实际意思] 在规定的下班时间以后,非营业时间。
E.g.: Public houses must not stay open after hours, for if they do, they will have to face sanctions imposed by the government.

5. This minute
[实际意思] 马上,立刻,立即。
E.g.: What a mess you have made! Your room is like a pigsty! I want you to clean your room this minute!

6. Out of the blue
[实际意思] 突然;没有料到。常跟动词come 连用。
E.g.: The news of his marriage came completely out of the blue. It was only last month that we learnt that he had broken with his girl friend.

7.Go into the red
Get out of the red
[实际意思] 负债,多指负债贷款/偿清债务
E.g.: The Company only needs 500, 000 dollars to get out of the red.

8. Horse of a different color
[实际意思] 完全是另一码事,另外一回事。变形体: horse of another color(另一种颜色的马)。
E.g.: Gambling is not the same as investing in the shares market. It is a horse of a different color.

9. An eye for an eye
[实际意思]报复,复仇,惩罚。说明:A tooth for a tooth 的意思是“以牙还牙”。这两条成语可放在一起用,也可用任何一个,意思一样。
E.g.: She abused him, and he insulted her; an eye for an eye.

10. Face the music
[实际意思] 面对批评或惩罚;接受由于自己的行为所造成的不良后果。
E.g.: You should tell your mother what happened and face the music.

11. Have one’s head in the clouds
[实际意思] 不实际的;不现实的;想入非非。
E.g.: The proposal he made was not feasible; I think he has his head in the clouds.

12. Have one’s heart in one’s mouth
[实际意思] 害怕,紧张。
E.g.: I had my heart in my mouth when I checked my IELTS result.

13. Cost an arm and a leg
[实际意思] 价格非常昂贵。变形体:Pay an arm and a leg. 两条习语的是一样的哦~
E.g.: These opera tickets cost us an arm and a leg!

14. Rain cats and dogs
[实际意思] 倾盆大雨。说明:英语受北欧文化的影响。在古代北欧神话中,狗象征风,猫象征雨。“猫和狗”象征“狂风暴雨”。
E.g.: It rained cats and dogs yesterday, so we had to cancel the football match.

15. Put on the dog
[实际意思] 炫耀、摆阔。竭力表现自我,好像自己非常重要、非常富有。但实际并非如此。
E.g.: They put on the dog in front of their guests, but the guests were not impressed.

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